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The breathing exercises help to strengthen the belly

Proper breathing is the key to not only protecting your health, but also helping your abdomen to become firm and reduce unwanted fat.
The following are breathing exercises that help people sit longer, less active, belly fat is getting back to his compact body:
Exercise 1: Sit on a chair
Sit on a chair, straight back, feet pressed against each other, feet touching the ground. Put your hands on your knees, relax. Breathe deeply and exhale, making about 20 times.
Then tilt the head forward, continue to breathe deeply and breathe continuously 20 times. It is possible to perform a similar breathing operation but with the hands tightly wrapped around the abdomen.
Exercise 2. Sit on a chair
Sit on a chair, lean back on the chair and lift your legs up to form a 45 degree angle. Then, bend your knees towards your chest and pull your legs back to their original posture. Perform this action combined breathing with each leg about 20 times.
Continue to lean lightly on the chair, breathe deeply and tighten the abdomen, keep this position within 5-8 seconds so that the abdomen pressed into the spine. Perform this action about 16 times.
Exercises 1 and 2 are simple and can be done at work, helping to reduce belly fat effectively.
Exercise: Squatting
First stand up straight and slowly squat your butt to touch near the heel, with both hands lying on your knees relaxed. Take a deep breath and breathe through your abdomen, breathing about 20 times.
Next, wrap your arms around your legs, chin on your knees. Start breathing 20 times and gently raise your buttocks, keeping and breathing 20 times more.
This exercise works to help your buttocks and thighs become firmer if exercised regularly.
Exercise 4: Stand straight
Stand up straight, with both hands relaxed and pressed against the thigh. Tilt your head forward and breathe on your stomach about 20 times. Sneeze when you see a bulge and flatten out.
Then, stand upright, bend down, but keep your legs straight and breathe 20 times faster. Tilted back, legs kept straight and breathing fast 20 times.
If you do 4 exercises per day combined with a reasonable diet, you can lose 1-2cm of waistline within a week, and if you exercise regularly, you will have a slim waist and as firmly as desired.

9 Golden Rules for Effective Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises  bring us great physical and spiritual strength, transforming anyone's life. Proper yoga practice will promote the magic that this subject gives the practitioner. In addition to the correct exercises, combined with rhythmic breathing, the preparation of the first session for yoga is also very important. Today, I will introduce to you " 9 golden rules for effective yoga exercises ."

Rule # 1: Practice Space

  • Space exercise is an important factor while doing yoga . Whether you are attending a yoga practice at the center or at home, our practice space should be quiet, with fresh air. Every yoga movement has a harmonious combination of deep breathing. If practiced in an air space with no air circulation or pollution, the exercises will not maximize efficiency.
Choose quiet space, fresh air
  • Quietness helps us focus more on each move and our breathing. For beginners, exercise in the room, open air, do not practice outdoors to avoid the toxic winds when the body becomes sensitive to the weather during the exercise.

Rule 2: Use carpet, carpet.

  • Here you should practice on a carpet. Yoga mats  will help you avoid slipping, support you to avoid shifts and collisions with the hard floor of the floor, preventing injuries.
Use yoga mat and carpet
  • In some stretching exercises, you can use a towel to place the seat, under the head or hand to support the movement more easily. Without a mats set, you can use a mat or a medium sized blanket, less elastic to replace.

Rule 3: Dress rehearsal.

  • Choosing the right outfit for yoga is also an important preparation . You should wear light, not tight. Should not wear too tight or too wide, elastic, sweat absorbent.
Choose the right yoga suit
  • When practicing, you should also bare feet and remove glasses, watches and jewelry on the body. Thus, the practice will be comfortable and high efficiency.

Rule 4: Practice Time.

  • Please note this: Do not do yoga when just eaten.  The best time to practice is 3 hours after the main meal and 2 hours after the snack. This is the time to avoid eating after meals. Other than that, you can do it at appropriate times.
Be sure to choose a proper yoga time
  • A good time to practice yoga during the day  is in  the morning  after waking and  evening  after work ends. This is the time when the body needs to be rejuvenated so it is best to feel good for the body.
  • The minimum training time is 15 minutes . When there is more time to practice, you should not be too much practice, only from 50 minutes to 1 hour to avoid the body to overwork and become tired.

Rule # 5: Bath before workout.

  • Bathing before yoga  will bring comfort, more alertness for you to step into the exercise. Without much time, you can wash, clean areas such as face, neck, hands, elbows, knees, feet.
Before practicing yoga, bathe or sanitize
  • Do not bathe immediately after exercise  as this will affect the activity of the hormone. You should spend at least 30 minutes to 2 hours after your yoga session to rest and then take a shower.

Rule 6: Start before the episode.

  • Before yoga there must be a warm-up period . This is necessary for the flexibility of the muscles to help with the stretching, bending and stretching of the body in the next posture.
Do not skip the warm-up before yoga
  • You should practice joints, shoulder joints, arms, back. The  boot  should last from 10 to 15p before exercise. When there is not much time, the boot time should also last from 3 to 5 minutes.

Rule 7: Practice slowly and relax while practicing.

  • The yoga movements need to be slow  to avoid tendons, joints or other injuries, regular exercise. When exercising slowly, you also have the opportunity to watch your body, know where you are.
Do yoga slowly to get the most effect
  • When training, do not try to overpower yourself, to force yourself to be like the teacher or guide in the book. As long as you practice well with your strength, then every day there will be gradual change. Over time your muscles and joints will become more flexible and your posture will be complete.
  • After each posture, you must have relaxed movements, at least one posture, deep breathing, full body relaxation that is responsible for clearing the body of the body and restoring energy.

Rule 8: Concentrate your thoughts on the exercise.

  • When practicing yoga, your thoughts must focus  on each movement as well as your breathing, not to be dominated by anything. Any distraction will make you unable to complete the movement and the effect of the movements will not be effective.
Focus on each yoga movement
  • Focusing on the perfect breath is the best way to focus on each movement, regulating your body to keep you alert.

Rule 9: Consult your doctor and specialist before practicing.

  • Not everyone is healthy enough to do all the yoga postures. Depending on the state of each person that will have the appropriate exercise.
  • In case you suffer from cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, low blood pressure should avoid banana movement, back disease, nerve damage, twisting, knee joint disease should be mobilized only out of pain zone
Consult experts to choose the right workout method
  • Therefore, before practicing, you should  consult your physician and yoga practitioner  so that they can advise you on how to exercise and avoid posture to fit your body, your state of health.
Here, Shop Gia Phat shared experience yoga with friends through " 9 golden rules for effective Yoga exercises ", utilize and promote all the benefits that  yoga  brings us. I hope that you will have great moments with yoga so that your life will become better.

Make sure you practice yoga properly so you do not get tired

Not only will yoga help you become stronger, more flexible and flexible, but it will also improve your muscles and reduce joint problems.
In addition to good physical effects such as developing musculoskeletal and respiratory systems, the best benefit that yoga brings is mental balance, stress relief, increased sensitivity in thinking and ability. Memorize. That is why in Vietnam more and more people are looking for yoga.
Yoga moves are easy at first, but when starting to practice it is not easy. Every year, tens of thousands of people have to go to the hospital for treatment of the injury due to yoga is not correct, the body is increasingly tired, sluggish. Most of the traumas, unwanted side effects are due to improper exercise, over-training, the practitioner not being aware of the body's allowable limits.
It can be seen, although yoga is very useful but not everyone and practice properly. Yoga practice consists of five steps: meditation, warm-up, asanas, massage and relaxation. The practice requires slow, focused, careful and accurate in every move.
The following tips will help you do not get tired of yoga:
Come to class on time
The exercises are arranged in a sequence rather than a random one. Therefore, you need to arrive at the right time to take turns in the sequence that the coach instructs. In the late grades, skipping or not going to the place where the necessary movements are not good for the body.
Exercise early or late in the morning
The best time to do yoga is in the morning (before breakfast) or late at night. In the early morning, the mind is very alert but the body is hard, so practice breathing first and then practice the movements. In the evening, the body is supple after a day of exercise and the mind begins to get tired, so do the exercises first and then practice breathing.
You should start around 45 minutes for the neck, shoulders, back ... to make the muscles relax, the nerves and energy begin to move the body to adapt to the intensity of exercise.
Do not eat or drink before exercising
Try to avoid eating for about 2 hours before workout. If you are too hungry, you should only eat light meals, because if you eat full, you will feel very tired and heavy during practice.
People with low blood pressure can drink milk or juice 30 minutes prior to exercise to avoid dizziness due to hunger. After yoga, after 10-15 minutes, new practitioners should eat liquid food, after 30 minutes to eat solid food.
Wear comfortable clothes
It is best to wear loose and comfortable clothing so that when practicing the movements is easy.
Highly concentrate
In yoga, in addition to practicing asanas, the most important factor is breathing and exercising. Therefore, when practicing you must focus your entire attention on breathing practice accurately: breathe through your nose and breathe out through your nose or mouth; breathe in to stretch the abdomen up and exhale to squeeze the stomach; inhale deeply, sigh. If you breathe improperly, exercising is not only ineffective, but it can also affect the nervous system. At the same time as breathing, you need to use the mind to guide the gas along the meridians.
When you are passionate, you will enjoy the practice, the yoga exercises do not make you feel heavy that will bring you much inspiration.
Healthy diet
For successful yoga practice, it should be combined with a healthy diet. You should not eat too much grease but rather concentrate on adding essential nutrients, eating plenty of green vegetables and fruits

Get rid of 5 common misconceptions about yoga

Yoga has become very popular in Vietnam as well as around the world. However, it is possible that many people still misunderstand about yoga, leading to suspicions and obstacles to the healthy lifestyle that millions are responding to. No matter who you are and where you live, you can do yoga without worrying about unfounded rumors.
1. You do not need to know how to do yoga
In the most popular yoga illustrations, you often find difficult movements such as reaching the person to touch your toes, or bending your back like circus performers. However, the truth is that you do not have the flexibility or the circus skills to practice yoga, but the yoga process itself will improve your endurance.
When you start practicing, the teacher just encourages you to try to squeeze your full potential, and gradually, you will see the body flexibly and flexibly, from where you can not straighten your legs. into a girl screaming like a professional athlete.
2. Fat or thin can do yoga 
Because of the popularity of illustrations, many people mistakenly think that yoga is just for fit people. It is difficult to find yoga video clips that the instructor has a stout body. But that does not reflect the true face of yoga.
Whether you are slim or fatigued, yoga can be your choice. Even so, yoga is a positive support to lose weight effectively. Just getting the right guidance, getting to know the proper moves for the individual, yoga will not make you hard, and all will help you adjust your health.
3. Yoga supports good weight loss
You may think that only fast, powerful moves will work to lose weight, while yoga is just as gentle as dancing, how to help burn calories effectively. In fact, yoga is a very good way to support weight loss. It is from regulating the rhythm of breathing, increasing strength, reducing stress, making the metabolism work better.
You will have a slower lifestyle, get rid of unhealthy eating habits, hormone balance, reduce fat accumulation. Many yoga exercises also work to tighten the waist, increase the number of rounds 1 and 3, giving you the body balance that many other fitness is not sure have achieved.
Yoga is not religious
Although yoga is derived from Buddhism and Hinduism, there are many philosophies regarding these two religions, but doing yoga is not a religious activity. Whether you are a non-believer, a Catholic, a Muslim, etc., you can do yoga. When practicing yoga, you only need to focus on physical issues, not changing your faith, not chanting or worshiping any gods.
Men or women can do yoga
Although today, most yoga practitioners are women, do not forget that men are the creators of this discipline thousands of years ago. Many people think that the slow, slow yoga is not suitable for men, or men are not flexible enough, can not flex the yoga movements. But now, there are many professional athletes who do yoga to support their body, help relax, restore muscle, limit injury.
Whether you are male or female, homosexual, bisexual, transgender, you can do yoga, yoga does not set any gender barrier for the practitioner. And there are almost no limits to yoga, regardless of age, wealth, including children, the elderly, pregnant women or people with disabilities.

9 things to avoid when yoga

Yoga is a science that brings positive effects to the body as well as to the human mind. However, this will be limited if we do not create a good condition for yoga to take full advantage of it. So, during the practice, you note not to do the following to get the maximum benefit that yoga!
1. Avoid wearing jewelry when practicing
Apart from the entangled reason, jewelry can also negatively affect the flow of energy around our bodies when we do yoga. Not to mention that they may be distorted, ruptured, or reduced in value. Therefore, when yoga, you should not wear a variety of jewelry. If there is anything on the person, you can remove them and temporarily remove them until the work is done.
2. Do not apply moisturizer
Generic lotions and moisturizers in particular will clog the pores and irritate us throughout the workout. They often make your limbs so slippery that it is easy to slip when you need to stick to the position between the parts. A quick moisturizer also makes it difficult to perform movements such as crossing hands and holding hands behind your back. Therefore, before going to a yoga session, you should not use any body lotion. If you have used the cream before, you can take a shower before starting to practice. This just helps you wash the creams on the body, as well as dissolving the dullness in the muscles, cleaning the pores to get the skin to receive enough oxygen.
3. Do not drop your hair when practicing
If you have long hair, it should be fixed neatly, do not let your hair out during the exercise as this will cause inconveniences such as entangled, sticky or hot for us. You should tie your hair high up to the top of the head with a simple elastic band, with no nuts, hooks to avoid when you are lying down and touching them, causing even headaches.
4. Avoid each other
A yoga class usually has many practitioners. Therefore, you need to align the distance to suit everyone in the class to avoid the collision, distraction of the co-workers. Extremely close spacing can sometimes lead to injury if you suddenly get hit by other people while performing difficult movements or balancing. A good hand is the right distance between you and the yoga partners in your class. Besides, we can also arrange the mat in different positions to increase the distance while still saving the area of ​​the training.
5. Do not share the exercise mat
This will help ensure hygiene, avoid skin diseases that can be encountered for us. In addition, your own rug gives you a sense of privacy and comfort over the practice of borrowing or sharing with other people.
Most yoga moves are sitting, kneeling, sitting. If you work long hours on a hard surface, your body will protest with sore feeling and bottle stains. Good yoga mats should be long enough for you to stretch your body, not to sink so that you feel comfortable during exercise and meditation.
Avoid wearing too much or too tight
The standard for yoga costumes is to make the practitioner comfortable. If your outfit is too wide, you will not be able to see and feel your posture is correct. Fine soil, the soil will entangle you. If your clothes are too tight, you will also have difficulty doing the movements and blocking the flow of blood and energy throughout your body.
When choosing clothes, you should avoid the too narrow or too wide. You can try some stretching moves to see if your suit is fit before deciding to spend on that costume. Some people like to choose clothes from natural materials such as cotton or linen because of their ability to absorb sweat. Others prefer material of great elasticity such as lycra or spandex for shaping and comfortable movement.
7. Do not eat well when practicing
Do not be too hungry, as you will lose concentration if hunger rages on you. But if you are full, then do not do yoga because when you eat full of feeling nausea will come to you instead of refreshing the exercise to head down. As in the previous lessons, the time allowed to practice yoga is after eating 2, 3 hours.
8. Do not chew chewing gum and candy when practicing 
Simply because gentle movements such as breathing in an object in the mouth always have the potential to cause the foreign object to enter the airway or choke you can not breathe. Therefore, to avoid the risk as well as the dispersion of ideas during practice, you should say no to these items in the practice session offline!
9. Do not wear shoes or socks when practicing
The bare feet will help to create better friction, so that your movements will be more stable on the floor. This ensures that you are agile and flexible in many difficult poses. Energy travels in the body from the beginning and down to the ground, through the lower parts of the body such as the palm, the soles of the feet. The complete contact with the soil is essential for the completion of that cycle. Therefore, it is better to wear barefoot when practicing yoga, avoid wearing shoes or socks as in some other gymnastics or sports.
The small but sometimes we, according to habits or for some reason, accidentally make the practice of yoga not get the full benefits as you desire. Keep your mind a bit, change the habit a little, you will definitely have a great yoga session for a healthy body, refreshing spirit and a peaceful soul.