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5 yoga exercises to keep your body slim

Yoga is increasingly popular, because it brings many health benefits. Especially for yogis, it helps to lose weight, increase the beauty naturally, the body becomes more compact ...
Just be patient with the 5 simple exercises below. You will get the slim body you want:
Exercise 1: Fold forward
With this posture, ring 2 is strongly impacted to help you remove the fat accumulation in the hip.
- Legs open with two legs, two hands to put together from the back and high on the head.
- Slowly bend forward to touch the floor, simultaneously inhale deeply and hold for a few seconds and return to the original posture.
Exercise 2:  Bend your hands crosswise
This posture directly affects the thigh muscles, helping to firm your legs. At the same time this action also helps blood flow to the brain easier, relieve fatigue.
- Position the man with his legs, bending, his hands on the floor, his butt high.
- Take deep breaths and put your right hand in the grasp of your left ankle. Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the original position
Exercise 3: Defensive back legs
The benefit of this posture is that the blood vessels flow from the legs to the brain, which directly affects the thigh muscles and hips, making the body slimmer.
- Posture of the man lying on his back, hia handle on both sides
Slowly raise your legs straight up. Combine deep breaths and hold the position for a few seconds and return to the original position.
Exercise 4: Stretching the fish
This position helps the arteries from the brain to the spinal cord, which directly affects the back, chest and thigh groups.
- Posture, legs straight behind
- Two hands along the human body combined with breathing and lifting the chest up. Exhale and return to the original posture. Perform 5-6 steps.
Exercise 5:  Twist
This posture directly affects the thighs, waist and breasts that help the body to grow evenly.
- Stand straight, legs close together, hands together in front of chest.
- Slowly, then lean to the left with a deep breath, holding the position for a few seconds then swing. Performs 4 times each party during a practice session.

4 common mistakes in yoga can cause knee pain

Common mistakes in yoga cause knee pain
Yoga is known for its healing power and the ability to transform your body and mind. However, it is also a method of physical exercise and is usually quite powerful. Therefore, if not done properly, it can cause pain or even serious injury.
A friend of my physician recently said that he never saw many muscular problems, the cause of yoga origin. And by the word "problem", he refers to breaking, tearing, tearing and disc herniation. All of these can disrupt the daily practice of yogis.
I'm not trying to create a barrier to your workout. I just want to help you know how to protect your beloved knee by providing some knowledge to keep you aware of the potential risks of yoga. After all, I want to see you have a healthy body and experience yoga with confidence and long-term.
This week we will focus on the knee joint. For a more in-depth look at how the body functions in postures, you can read Leslie Kaminoff's excellent Yoga Anatomy book.
For this purpose, I have advanced the complex structure of the knee into the instructions that you can use in the next practice, knowing that you are avoiding potential traumas and aiming for balance. in each practice.
We will focus on the common mistakes that can cause knee pain and prevention. The following four postures illustrate how the knees may deviate from the rostrum during yoga, and when alignment rules are applied throughout the workout, you can also use these exercises. This is to control the other postures.
An added bonus is that when your knees are freed, you gain more strength and stamina, your body will gain the most flexibility.
Pre-warm up with 3 to 5 suns and remember to keep your breath deep and slow through the nose during the exercise.


Starting from the dog's face When you step one foot forward to prepare for the High lunge position, you want to touch two straight points immediately:
  • The foot steps towards the thumb in the same direction (right leg near the right hand thumb), not between the hands.
  • When lifting, this position will make your knees wider, straight from the hip, not the knee to the center, and off the hip. The weight on the knee will be balanced.
  • In this preparation, your toes and fingertips will be on the same straight line and your feet will move forward rather than backward.
When you lift a person, the front of the knee is down, the knee is straight on the heel, or closer to the human body, not beyond the foot, putting pressure on the front of the knee.
Apply: Any standing posture when you step forward with your knee in front of you like Warrior I & II, Side Angle, Reverse Warrior Pose Reverse Warrior, Chair Pose, Eagle Pose.


Mind your hind legs in this posture. A principle for the safety of the knee to observe: the toes, the knees and the center of the hips need to be directed at the same angle.
This means that if your posterior toes are facing out at a 45 degree angle, your knees should also rotate in the same direction as the toes - facing 45 degrees. The problem that comes from the common but inaccurate guide to knee damage is "Keep your hips perpendicular in the Warrior Pose." I hear this in so many Yoga classes - and it's an anatomically wrong arrangement.
With a 45 degree angle to the hind feet, if you try to turn your hips 45 degrees ahead, your knee joints will be subject to twisting. Sometimes twisting in yoga is good but in this case the knee is not intended for twisting and doing so will cause chronic twinges or serious injury.
So when you are in Warrior I, allow your hips to open just enough to center the thighs and hips at the same angle to your toes and knees. In the Warrior I position, for example, with the right leg stepping forward, the hip must also be oriented diagonally to the right rather than completely open as in the Warrior II position or completely perpendicular to the front like the High lunge posture posture that with the hind legs raised to make the forward rotation of the hip still keep the knee safe.
From the hips, turn your upper torso forward, not from the pelvis but from your ribs, heart, shoulders and head. You will feel the core muscles and back muscles are activated while still maintaining the space and freedom of the knees and hips.
Application: Any standing posture with a stable foot like Warrior I, Angle Position, Triangular Position, Reverse Warrior Position (actually watching the knees in these positions), Pyramid (Parsvottanasana) posture, Malasana posture .


In these straightforward postures, focus on the pillow first. You can easily:
  • Lock the knee joint and place the weight on the joint instead of activating the leg muscles to support.
  • Too strong pressure on the knee joint or excessive stretching behind the pillow.
Instead, hold the microbend slightly so that you do not squeeze the joints and relax the muscles. Make sure your muscles are around your thighs and knees and press your foot down as if you are pedaling the accelerator pedal.
Apply: Any posture with straight forelegs and bearing such as Parsvottanasana posture, Warrior III posture, Half moon posture, Posture posture, Standing posture Splits)


This posture requires turning the forelegs out and this puts significant pressure on the knees, especially when the quadriceps (thighs), hips (inner thighs) or hips (hips) of the hips you are strained
As you bend forward, the pelvic tilt stretches the muscles around your knees. If the routing is wrong, the knee joint will suffer from excessive pressure.
So, when you enter the dove posture, you often make these three mistakes and the solution is:
  • Folds your feet
Bending the legs will cause the leg to turn out again, resulting in the knee knees when you bend forward. Instead, stretch your feet, but point your toes opposite and push forward from the soles of your feet, just like when you're wearing high heels. This will allow the foot to rotate more freely, releasing pressure on the knees.
  • Grasp your feet and pull them forward so that your legs are parallel to the top of the carpet
Bringing the forearm forward does not make the posture more advanced. In fact, pulling your foot forward or hooking your foot around your wrist, the knee is placed next to the other wrist, meaning that you are trying to bring the forearm forward to achieve a look like this posture, At the same time, you may also be seriously injured in the knee joint.
From now on, never use your hands to grasp your feet in this position. Instead, turn your feet toward the opposite hip fold and make sure your hips are straight (do not turn your body to lie on your hips).
Then, to go deeper if you feel your knees are comfortable, you can move your knees a little wider and your hind legs stretching backwards. The front knee will be in front of the hips or slightly wider, and you may repeat this correction (knee wider, hind legs) several times. But do not wait until you feel too tight to bend forward, always remember that folding the pelvis forward will increase the pressure on the knees. So reserve a reserve for the front bumper.
In this way, your legs and feet will be moved forward naturally without using your hands.
  • Let the hips lower too low when your knees hurt
For some people, when knees bent forward in the pigeons posture and lowering the hips, they can stretch the quadriceps and knee before tensing the knee before stretching the hips. If you experience knee pain before stretching, fix your front leg muscles first, using a roll or yoga blanket to raise your hips first.
Allowing the quadriceps to relax gradually by lowering the height of the cushion will gradually help you to work on the hip without over-knee pressure.
Apply: Any pose rotating legs such as Ankle to Knee, Gomukhasana, Lotus or lotus position (I do not recommend the lotus position. Flying Crow, Supine Pigeon, Janu Sirsasana

5 ways to lose weight with yoga that you can not expect

If you think that yoga is "too light on the heart", it does not work. Even if you do not choose Vinyasa, the other types of yoga can help you lose weight in a way you would not expect.
Yoga deeply impacted by increasing the efficiency of the digestive system to reduce stress, help the body limit the ability to gain weight. Yoga is not only limited to training in the gym but also includes things you do outside the gym. That is our way of life. Mastering the basics of yoga for self-care will help to make weight loss easier.
Here, we do not give you fat burning yoga, calorie burnout, but five ways can help you lose weight with Yoga.
  1. Practice postures stimulating abdominal muscles
If the digestive tract is slow, the food will turn into a poison rather than a beneficial nutrient for the body. This toxic buildup can cause you to gain weight. In order to lose weight, the digestive flare must be activated.
Yoga has the ability to enhance digestion. Many postures work as twisting, massaging and compressing the digestive organs. This process pushes the blood used and brings new nutrient-rich blood after performing the posture. In addition, these movements help to eliminate toxins, stimulate the liver and duodenal detoxification, and increase digestion through deep breathing through the abdomen.
To get these effects, you need to practice postures such as Paschimottanasana, Pada uttanasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Navasana, Salabasana, Dhanurasana and Parvritta janu sirsasana.
  1. Use Agni mudra 
Mudra is a type of handprint that affects prana (vital energy) and mind in a special way. You may have seen the Chin mudra in the meditation photographs by placing your hands on your lap, thumb and forefinger, the other toes naturally. Mudras have a close relationship with the mind and affect the body, so they can be used for healing. Agni mudra can support weight loss by enhancing digestive function.
To practice Agni mudra, you spread the palm of your hand, folding the ring finger into the palm of your hand, placing your thumb on the finger nail of the ring. Then place your palms on your lap. Hold this mudra for 3 minutes and perform 3 times a day.
How does mudra work? Yoga indicates that each finger involves a factor. The thumb is fire and the ring finger is earth. In this mudra, fire element (fire) is activated, which increases the digestive activity. Restrained soil helps to reduce the weight of the soil as a factor in weight gain.
  1. Sitting in a Vajra position (or Thunder Stance) after a meal
If you are trying to lose weight (or just be healthy), it is extremely important to give your body the chance to digest properly after every meal. If you rush into activities or even sleep after a meal, it means you are affecting the digestive process. Then you will definitely gain weight!
Although many Yoga postures are not encouraged after eating, there are exceptions. Here is the Vajra position. In Sanskrit, it is called Vajrasana, the posture is simply sitting kneeling straight on his legs. Diamond posture is an ideal Yoga posture after a meal. It directs blood to the lower abdomen, stimulating the digestive fire to function. In addition, this position keeps the abdomen, helping the digestive organs have more space and the connection needed to do the job effectively.
Sitting in a diamond posture 5 minutes after a meal will help you lose weight effectively.
  1. Enhance the effect with warm lemon juice and honey
If you want to lose weight, this method will help you eat like yogis. That does not mean you have to be completely vegetarian, but just simple changes like having a cup of tea in the morning. After waking up and brushing your teeth, make a glass of warm water with lemon. After the water has cooled a little, add a spoon of honey (do not heat the honey because it can turn into poison). Drink before breakfast and before practicing yoga.
This drink has some weight loss effects. Warm water stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates toxins. It also helps to awaken the already-digested flame from the early morning. Lemon helps purify blood and honey has the effect of reducing fat.
  1. Breathe in the abdomen
If you are keeping your breathing habits incorrect but want to lose weight, this is the time when you need to learn breathing techniques again.
The abdomen is able to contract and relax whenever we breathe or breathe. But most of us do not breathe in the abdomen but mostly by chest. This action reduces the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the digestive tract, causing a sense of nervousness and indirect weight gain.
Resuscitation of abdominal breathing techniques can help with weight loss in a variety of ways: stimulate digestion, increase intestinal motility, circulation of lymph, nourish the digestive organs with appropriate oxygen levels and work calming, reducing stress.
To do this, sit upright with a comfortable posture. Place both hands on the abdomen. Relax the abdominal muscles. Breathe through the nose, feeling the abdomen bulging when inhaled and shrink when exhaled. Practice this breath for 3 minutes before each meal. It will help keep your mind at peace, encourage you to choose healthy foods and obstruct overeating which makes it easier to lose weight.
Yoga is a great practice for weight loss. As you can see, it does not stop at burning calories but it also has subtle effects on digestion and excretion. It's a more comprehensive and powerful weight-loss tool than just focusing on physical activity.

Exercise good for the heart, kidneys and round 2 for only 15 minutes a day

Regular practice of yoga is good for health and can also help improve your health. Simple exercises for the following people, not only help improve heart function, kidneys but also bring you a toned, attractive.
Knowing that doing yoga every day improves the shape and brings many health benefits, especially to the heart. However, if you are too busy, and do not have time to go to the Yoga classes, the following Home Yoga exercises will be the savior for you. With 5 simple actions, just 15 minutes per day, the effect achieved will surprise you.
Action 1:
Preparation: kneel, feet wide apart with the left shoulder put up close to the ear, inhale then stretch out to the right, exhale. Switch sides
Action 2:
Preparation: kneel, knees bent, arms against the perpendicular, fingers spread out sticking to the floor. Breathe in, simultaneously raise your right leg and left hand to perpendicular, then raise your thigh high. Switch sides
Action 3:
Preparation: The legs are closed, the legs crossed, the knees bent to the ground. Put your hands up close to the ear, inhale deeply, stretch out to the right, breathe out, keep head, shoulders, back straight. Switch sides
Action 4:
Preparation: The two heels are closed, sitting on the heel, arms raised over the head, clipped, holding the back straight. Slowly stepping out of breath, stomach. Switch sides
Action 5:

This helps the body relax. Sit kneeling on the two heels, the right hand on the palm of the left hand, two fingers touching. Close your eyes, relax your face and body, breathe gently, relax.

5 good foods for skin in summer

In the summer, your skin is exposed to high temperatures and intense sunlight, leaving your skin prone to dehydration, as well as being more prone to sunburn and sunburn. 
In the summer, your skin is exposed to high temperatures and intense sunlight, leaving your skin prone to dehydration, as well as being more prone to sunburn and sunburn. In addition to using sun protection, food plays an important role in keeping skin healthy and fresh from the inside.

1. Green and red fruits

Salads are the simplest and most appropriate food for summer days because they contain a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, which limit the vitamin loss in the cooking process. Green and red fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins A, E and vitamin C. These are both powerful antioxidants that protect your skin from sun damage. The sun is used to smooth the skin, regenerate new cells. These vitamins can be found in carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, strawberries, avocados, oranges.

2. Seafood

Seafood such as oysters, shrimp, oysters ... are good for the skin. Although the body only needs a small amount of trace elements such as zinc, silicon, manganese ... in the above seafood, but without them will be a big "loss" of the body and skin. These substances block the growth of free radicals and protect the skin against UV rays, prevent acne, skin aging and regenerate new cells.

3. Heat tea

Heat bar tea is a favorite dessert of many sisters in the hot summer. Not only the natural sweet, the tea is sold as lotus seeds, longan, jujube ... also the antidote, cool liver, skin beauty is very effective without obesity as the type Other sweet tea. With these great advantages, it is easy to understand why the heat tea became a familiar dish of summer.

4. Fat

Not all fat is the enemy of beauty. Fat is also essential for maintaining elasticity, preventing wrinkles, as fatty acids act as lubricating cells, limiting dry and dehydrated skin. Omega 3 and Omega 6 in fats are great for preventing and supporting the treatment of dermatitis, skin allergies, which are common in the summer. You can easily find these fatty acids from fish oil such as mackerel, sardines and salmon, eggs, butter, nuts, grains ...

5. Products from fresh milk

Skin lotion products, milk extracts from milk are the tendency to be chosen by many women because of the ability to soften the skin but very benign of milk. Yogurt, fresh milk or cheese are all foods rich in vitamins A and B, helping to smooth the skin, balance the body. Fresh milk pasteurizes the skin better than milk powder and pasteurized milk. But with women in the diet should pay attention to limit the cheese and preferred low-fat milk.

Note: All of these foods (in addition to vegetables) are good for the skin but are extremely rich in protein and fat, so we should not use too much in the short term.

11 benefits of biking bring health and spirit

Bicycling brings wonderful benefits to your health such as helping your joints stay healthy, losing weight, helping you live harmoniously and bring good sleep. 

Patient cycling to fight cancer

Diane Jeggo, a 52-year-old woman who has never drove a bicycle. It was not until 2008 when doctors diagnosed with cancer started to ride.
"I need to create a healthier lifestyle that will help the body fight cancer, and I chose to ride a bike," Diane said.
It can be said that cycling is not just about personal interests or hobbies. There are a number of clubs that help athletes such as Diane have the opportunity to train in a way like Breeze Champion - the largest home in Britain, attracted many women love to pedal car to life.
With Diane cycling has completely changed her life. So, she is now mobilizing the other women to participate in this extremely useful sport. 

The "magic" effect of cycling with health and spirit

Let's take a look at the following 11 reasons to see cycling to bring miraculous effects on health and spiritual well.

1. Effective in the formation of muscles

The fact that before, when I have not often cycled I find myself not fit this subject. But I have seen my body have changed since after I cycled. It's great because I'm very confident with my firm and compact legs thanks to the bike. At the same time, when you ride the bike, the shoulders and arms are also active, especially when we ride the bike up the slope, up the mountain.

2. Burn calories

Diane says: "I have always felt good and strong for the past 30 years. It is a great thing that as soon as I start cycling, my kidney stones disappear. And you will be great, the faster you ride the bike, the more burned calories.

3. Helps healthy joints

Regular bicycling helps keep the muscles strong and flexible, from which bones are stronger and more active.
Doctors also recommend that each of us need to listen to the body. If you notice any signs of aching somewhere, you should take a break and consult the advice of a health professional. Exercise is extremely good for your health, but do not overdo it.

4. Reduce stress

In addition to the worry about illness, Diane also encountered some pressure in the work. But cycling regularly helps her to feel less anxiety, better health.
Diane said: "I saw cycling to reduce anxiety, relieve psychological problems, and reduce depression. And I always feel much more relaxed after the bike ride.

5. Peaceful life

Cycling alone is a time where the eyes and ears are rested, away from electronic devices such as headsets. Group cycling is also considered a healthy way of life, making it easier for people to integrate into their collective life and social life. What is more wonderful is that we have the opportunity to meet and get acquainted with. new friends.
It can be said that cycling is the way to associate, tie stronger friendship, we will find this life is beautiful, meaningful, people are more friendly. Then why not try it? Quickly gather your friends with exercise, play sports together.

6. Relaxing spirit

Diane says: For me, cycling is the most exciting sport, cycling not only helps me to exercise, but I also have a lot of fun. In fact, cycling is very rewarding, but not costly.
Have you ever thought of going to work on your bike one day? It will be interesting, because bicycles are the simplest, easiest means. Also, when you go to work on a bike is also considered daily exercise. One thing you can easily see is the bike ride that helps you save on the cost of travel.

7. A solution to protect the environment

A green trip is an exciting journey, a journey without emissions, no pollution and you can feel the precious, beautiful life and peace that mother nature gave them. ta

8. Live more confidently

You do not have to be afraid to ride a bike. You simply sit on the car and pedal it offline. Bicycles bring to our lives countless miracles. If you ride a bike with a team, a team will get great help from your friends and teammates.
Diane shared, "In our practice group, there was a woman who smoked for over 40 years, of course she was not well and we all helped her work together to keep from being left behind. Of course, she felt very confident to continue the new journey.

9. Easier to sleep

Studies conducted by the University of Georgia have shown that when participants study, the results are encouraging. People who ride more often will sleep better and deeper.
Diane said: Since riding, I sleep well. When you ride a bike, your body is constantly on the go. This is very beneficial because the body then produces large amounts of endorphins. The neurotransmitter in the brain produces positive emotions, improves mood, is a natural analgesic. Can help reduce stress and slow down the aging process.

10. Always feel happy

As you can see, cycling helps the body produce large amounts of endorphin which makes us have positive thoughts, joyful spirit. And Diane has always stressed that cycling has completely changed her life.
Diane admits: My biggest regret is probably not riding a bike earlier. I was cycling at the age of forty, which I do this earlier. Of course, for me, the decision to exercise with cycling is a decision, the best choice.

11. Has effect on exercise

Years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer, high cholesterol, heart and lung function. So I decided to ride a bike every day, thanks to the bicycle that I still live healthy, resilient to fight against cancer.
The last time I checked in my health was that my weight had improved significantly, my cholesterol was normal. Life is really meaningful because my health is in a stable state, and I can ride a long distance up to 104km.