Tips for daily skin care from nature

1. Dark circles in the eyes
Ingredients: turmeric + aromatic juice.
How to use:
- Take 2 teaspoons turmeric powder and 2 teaspoons of scented water, mix them into a paste.
Apply the mixture to the skin under the eyes and leave for 10 minutes.
- Then wipe with a soft towel.
- Reassemble the process every day until the circles darken and disappear completely.
This mask will also make the skin under your eyes smoother and softer.
2. Sunburned skin
Material: avocado.
How to use:
- Take the fruit puree.
- Add 2 tablespoons of hot water to the butter and mix well
Apply this mixture to the affected skin area of ​​the sun
- Then wash your face with warm water.
Note : If you are dry or sensitive skin should add 1 teaspoon of honey to the mask.
3. skin tanning
Material: potatoes + water chang.
How to use :
- Potatoes thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, milled and filtered for water.
- Then squeeze the lemon juice into the bowl.
- Take 4 teaspoons of potato juice and 2 tablespoons of lemon and mix them together.
Apply to skin that has become pigmented, after applying the first coat, dry for a few minutes, apply a second coat and then layer 3.
Leave the mask overnight and wash your face with warm water in the morning. You should do every day to get the best results.
- If your skin is dry / sensitive, you can add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of rose water to keep the skin moist.
- If your skin is oily, you can add 2 tablespoons rice flour to the mask.
4. Acne Treatment
Ingredients: Apple Vinaigrette
Making :
- First take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 2 - 3 tablespoons of filtered water.
- Apply the mixture on the skin.
- Wait until your face is dry so you can use other skin care products.
Use apple cider vinegar twice a day or every time after cleansing.
5. Blemish treatment
Ingredients: Green tea.
How to use :
- First prepare 3 - 4 teaspoons of green tea powder with a sufficient amount of water. Mixing them up will give you a thick, pliable mixture. Then you rinse your face and apply this mixture to the skin, to be more effective so the message lightly on the face to allow the mixture to penetrate deeply and skin.
- For about 15 - 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly with water. Use this method 2-3 times a week, will have a dramatic effect, soft skin and white books. In addition, this is the way to treat skin effectively.
6. Wrinkles
Material: Olive oil
Making :
Take a few drops of olive oil and mix with a few drops of honey and glycerin.
Use this mixture to message twice a day.
7. Pore 
Ingredients: sea salt + honey.
How to use :
- Mix 2 tablespoons sea salt with 4 tablespoons fresh honey.
- Use this mixture to secret message
- Save this mixture on your face for 15 minutes, then wash the book.
- This mask will help your skin clear and less clogged.
8. Moisturize the skin
Material: Aloe Vera
How to use :
- Apply the gut of the leaf to the skin
- After cleansing or exfoliating like a regular moisturizer.


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