Yoga - For a life full of inspiration

When a person chooses yoga as an indispensable part of his or her life, he or she simultaneously chooses a life of inspiration and awakening.
Today, yoga is so popular in society that almost everyone knows it. For many, yoga is simply a therapy for physical and mental health. However, those who actually practice yoga understand that this mind-body exercise has a deeper meaning than that. The ancient Indian yoga practitioners adopted the asana to attain physical unity - mind, human unity - cosmic and sublimation to infinity. Yoga, in that sense, is the path leading the practitioner to spiritual goals.
Nowadays, when yoga has spread to society, yoga practitioners are present in all classes, so that the goal of "enlightenment" is no longer the sole core of the practitioners. yoga. Everyone learns yoga for different reasons. People to improve health, people to lose weight, people to eliminate stress, etc. ... However, after achieving all these goals, people will find themselves touching something bigger so
Yoga helps to train a strong mind
A strong mind, which is a clear mind, does not suffer from the negative effects of this life, and knows what he wants and is always aiming at an unstoppable energy. Strong minded people will easily achieve their goals. They also have high self-esteem, not lead life.
Why do yoga postures help people to train a strong mind? There are many asanas that can be difficult to accomplish, but it requires physical training. The Oriental moral essence always emphasizes that the body and mind are the oneness, so the process that the body presses on discipline, suffering pain is also the process of mind directed inward. To self-purification, self-training.
Besides, yoga practitioners also have to be persistent, patient. You can see here on Instagram pictures of a yogi in a spectacular, beautiful and inspirational posture. Of course, that is not something that can be achieved after a few weeks or months, which must be the result after months of practice. If you want to conquer some asanas, these asanas must become your everyday life. And thus, over time, your mind becomes inward. You will be able to calm down, you will be able to endure, be able to persevere to the end in all things, do anything together, do not let go in the middle. Is not that a strong mind?
Yoga helps to establish a mindful mind
After a long period of pursuit of yoga, practitioners have now passed the stage of watching yoga as a sport. Their bodies and minds have been rigorous discipline of yoga training, becoming so harmonious, balanced. The body is no longer sick, and they feel a mellow energy flowing in each cell. The mind is also calm, peaceful, they are not susceptible to driving emotions in front of how many events occur in normal life hustle. This is the time when yoga practitioners can reach a glimpse of unity.
There is a living energy that surrounds everyone, everything in the arms. It is God, Creator, or some other term that a yoga practitioner can think of. It is important that he comes to the realization that the universe is vast, all interconnected, and that his life is only a tiny part of that huge system. Ego becomes meaningless, and this is an important step for a yoga practitioner to lead a life of inspiration. Because, how can life be really fresh and happy if every day people are forced to protect themselves from being hurt?
Yoga helps towards a life of inspiration
Any senior yoga practitioner will notice that yoga brings a life of inspiration. Of course, inspiration is deep, complete and long-term, depending on the person. It is a life in which one can feel the joy of "giving" without expecting "getting back", the joy of sharing, the joy in community activities.
Easing the ego is the key to all things in life is so light and bring a great source of joy. This is one of the greatest things that yoga can bring to you. Not only is life inspired, yoga inspires your creativity. By abandoning the self and entering the infinity of the universe, the inspiration and ideas will come to you more easily. It's no coincidence that so many designers, designers, entrepreneurs ... emphasize the importance of yoga in their lives. By yoga, in some ways, it is the path that leads them to the horizon of creation.
Yoga can actually bring you more things than you think. Not only health, body, peace, stillness, etc ... but also sublimation in thought, mind and soul. You will find ways to integrate with this life, how everything in your life runs smoothly, and how you can live a life of inspiration, fullness.


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