10 great Yoga postures to sleep well

Sleeping takes up to a quarter of the life span of a person's life. Sleeping or sleeping poorly sleep is a major human problem in modern life. If you have trouble sleeping, 10 simple yoga postures to sleep well.
1. Variation of Sukhasana - Sit and bow
An easy and good move for sleep. If you feel hips are squeezed, you can sit on the pillow to feel more comfortable.
Do not go to bed when your mind and body are not relaxed
- Sit cross-legged. This is the starting point.
- Try to bend forward. 2 hands stretched.
2. Uttanasana - Standing down
The Uttanasana movement, with its backside position, pushes blood to the brain, provides oxygen, and promotes brain activity.
If the hands can not touch the ground, they can hold their ankles
- Bend up and place your hand on the floor next to the foot.
- Keep your legs straight, inhale, push the chest tight.
- Exhale and lift up, back parallel to the floor.
3. Balasana - baby posture
Balasana - baby posture
This posture helps relieve stress of body and mind. Remember to sit on your heels and foreheads hit the floor.
4. Halasana - Plowshield posture
Many people think that holding the Halasana posture for 1 to 5 minutes will make it easier for you to fall asleep. This is a move that helps the blood flow better throughout the body.
This helps blood flow better throughout the body.
Lie on your back and lift your legs over your head until you touch the floor behind you. Hands on each other behind.
5. Viparita Karani - Put your foot on the wall
This is a very easy posture when you just lean against the wall and close your eyes. Try to keep this position for 5 minutes, sleep will come naturally
When the feet are raised high, the blood flows back to the heart
6. Savasana - Complete relaxation
Put your body into a sleep state but you still have to focus on the breath and shake off the worries of the day.
Savasana is also known as the corpse.
7. Supta Matsyendrasana - The back of the thigh
Another easy posture on the bed.
After performing this posture, you will feel calm and recovering
- Lie on your back, knees bent and feet closed.
- Put your right leg up through the left calf. Do not leave openings between the two thighs.
Hold a few breaths. Put your knees back in position between the original and the professional to the other.
8. Ardha Matsyendrasana - Posture of the spine
This position affects the nerve endings in the spine and the nervous system, which helps bring some blood to the area.
With each breath, try to twist a bit more.
- Sit on the floor, right leg placed on the left leg (as shown).
- Rotate right. The left hand holds the right knee. Hold several breaths and change sides.
9. Supta Baddha Konasana - fixed angle posture
This is the position that puts the body into a state of rest.
Remember two feet of liver together
Lie on the bed (or on the floor), or feet close together, the soles of the feet against each other, creating a diamond.
10. Surya Bhedana - relaxing breathing posture
This is a breathing exercise
You block your left nostril and breathe through to the right. Then cover the right nostril and breathe out to the left. Continue this exercise, inhale, breathe left, from 5 to 10 deep breaths.


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