5 ways to lose weight with yoga that you can not expect

If you think that yoga is "too light on the heart", it does not work. Even if you do not choose Vinyasa, the other types of yoga can help you lose weight in a way you would not expect.
Yoga deeply impacted by increasing the efficiency of the digestive system to reduce stress, help the body limit the ability to gain weight. Yoga is not only limited to training in the gym but also includes things you do outside the gym. That is our way of life. Mastering the basics of yoga for self-care will help to make weight loss easier.
Here, we do not give you fat burning yoga, calorie burnout, but five ways can help you lose weight with Yoga.
  1. Practice postures stimulating abdominal muscles
If the digestive tract is slow, the food will turn into a poison rather than a beneficial nutrient for the body. This toxic buildup can cause you to gain weight. In order to lose weight, the digestive flare must be activated.
Yoga has the ability to enhance digestion. Many postures work as twisting, massaging and compressing the digestive organs. This process pushes the blood used and brings new nutrient-rich blood after performing the posture. In addition, these movements help to eliminate toxins, stimulate the liver and duodenal detoxification, and increase digestion through deep breathing through the abdomen.
To get these effects, you need to practice postures such as Paschimottanasana, Pada uttanasana, Ardha matsyendrasana, Navasana, Salabasana, Dhanurasana and Parvritta janu sirsasana.
  1. Use Agni mudra 
Mudra is a type of handprint that affects prana (vital energy) and mind in a special way. You may have seen the Chin mudra in the meditation photographs by placing your hands on your lap, thumb and forefinger, the other toes naturally. Mudras have a close relationship with the mind and affect the body, so they can be used for healing. Agni mudra can support weight loss by enhancing digestive function.
To practice Agni mudra, you spread the palm of your hand, folding the ring finger into the palm of your hand, placing your thumb on the finger nail of the ring. Then place your palms on your lap. Hold this mudra for 3 minutes and perform 3 times a day.
How does mudra work? Yoga indicates that each finger involves a factor. The thumb is fire and the ring finger is earth. In this mudra, fire element (fire) is activated, which increases the digestive activity. Restrained soil helps to reduce the weight of the soil as a factor in weight gain.
  1. Sitting in a Vajra position (or Thunder Stance) after a meal
If you are trying to lose weight (or just be healthy), it is extremely important to give your body the chance to digest properly after every meal. If you rush into activities or even sleep after a meal, it means you are affecting the digestive process. Then you will definitely gain weight!
Although many Yoga postures are not encouraged after eating, there are exceptions. Here is the Vajra position. In Sanskrit, it is called Vajrasana, the posture is simply sitting kneeling straight on his legs. Diamond posture is an ideal Yoga posture after a meal. It directs blood to the lower abdomen, stimulating the digestive fire to function. In addition, this position keeps the abdomen, helping the digestive organs have more space and the connection needed to do the job effectively.
Sitting in a diamond posture 5 minutes after a meal will help you lose weight effectively.
  1. Enhance the effect with warm lemon juice and honey
If you want to lose weight, this method will help you eat like yogis. That does not mean you have to be completely vegetarian, but just simple changes like having a cup of tea in the morning. After waking up and brushing your teeth, make a glass of warm water with lemon. After the water has cooled a little, add a spoon of honey (do not heat the honey because it can turn into poison). Drink before breakfast and before practicing yoga.
This drink has some weight loss effects. Warm water stimulates intestinal motility, eliminates toxins. It also helps to awaken the already-digested flame from the early morning. Lemon helps purify blood and honey has the effect of reducing fat.
  1. Breathe in the abdomen
If you are keeping your breathing habits incorrect but want to lose weight, this is the time when you need to learn breathing techniques again.
The abdomen is able to contract and relax whenever we breathe or breathe. But most of us do not breathe in the abdomen but mostly by chest. This action reduces the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the digestive tract, causing a sense of nervousness and indirect weight gain.
Resuscitation of abdominal breathing techniques can help with weight loss in a variety of ways: stimulate digestion, increase intestinal motility, circulation of lymph, nourish the digestive organs with appropriate oxygen levels and work calming, reducing stress.
To do this, sit upright with a comfortable posture. Place both hands on the abdomen. Relax the abdominal muscles. Breathe through the nose, feeling the abdomen bulging when inhaled and shrink when exhaled. Practice this breath for 3 minutes before each meal. It will help keep your mind at peace, encourage you to choose healthy foods and obstruct overeating which makes it easier to lose weight.
Yoga is a great practice for weight loss. As you can see, it does not stop at burning calories but it also has subtle effects on digestion and excretion. It's a more comprehensive and powerful weight-loss tool than just focusing on physical activity.


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