Some things you want to know before going to yoga

We recently met an interesting discussion, and people started telling stories about what they wanted to know before starting with yoga. We are sure that you may also have questions related to this!

Pain in training is not good?

If you feel severe pain while exercising with a posture, stop and talk to your teacher about it. Yoga is not painful. Muscle aches are normal, but too painful to watch out. Do not push yourself too hard, start slowly and you will not hurt yourself.

Changing a posture and using props does not mean you are weak and not flexible

Sometimes you think posing in a photo in a yoga article is a standard figure that applies to everyone. In fact, each image has many variations. There are many ways to standardize the posture and make it harder. A good teacher will give a few variations of the same move. And those variants will look at your body and have a way of shaping what suits your situation.

Every day just spend a few minutes for Yoga

Even if you only have 10 minutes to do yoga, it may be enough to relax after work. Less training but often better than long training but many days after training. It will give you a daily routine.

Do not mind the people around you in the gym

Do not worry too much about what others think of how you practice yoga when you enter a yoga class. Everyone is too focused on themselves and most likely they do not even notice you. There are many things in the yoga class to focus on: breathing, alignment, how the body responds to movement. Focus on yourself and enjoy.


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