Things to know about nutrition for yoga practitioners

The yoga diet is a perfect complement to yoga exercises that help you stay healthy, control your weight, keep fit and prevent disease. In order to practice effectively, you should practice yoga for the nutritional needs of yoga practitioners.
Menu for yoga practitioners needs to ensure the following basic things
- Include fresh fruits and processed foods, pure foods.
Nutrition affects the effectiveness of yoga exercises
In the main meals, there should be high-calorie cereals like rice, potatoes and bread. For those who are overweight can be replaced with sweet potatoes, vermicelli.
Drink plenty of water during the day. The body needs water for a variety of activities such as digestion, nutrient cycling and feeding. In addition to filtered water should add fruit juice, soy milk ...
- For those who are thin, weak or heavy working, they should add vegetarian food to non-slaughtered food such as fresh milk, butter ...
The principle of nutrition for yoga practitioners
- Eat right, if not hungry can skip meals.
- In a meal eat up to four or five foods to avoid hindrances to the digestive system, eating a moderate amount, to ¼ empty stomach.
- Keep calm, relaxed spirit when eating, eat slowly, enjoy the taste of food
- Try to fast once a week.
- gradually adjust the diet to reduce the load on the digestive system
- Change the menu regularly to create a sense of appetite.
- Eat fresh food because it retains many vitamins and minerals (not destroyed during cooking and cooking). People who practice yoga should eat lots of fresh vegetables and beans, peanuts.
 Only eat when calm and relaxed.
- Take meals far apart.
- The best yoga practitioners should follow the vegetarian diet. If not vegetarian try to reduce meat, fish and eggs. Note: eat plenty of milk, butter, yogurt, phoma, vegetables, roots, fresh fruits and nuts, sesame, peanuts (bananas, cucumbers, yogurt only eat in the morning and noon, absolutely not eaten in night).
- Drink plenty of fluids. Should drink fresh water or tea. Have a drink of lemon juice (cool boiled water, squeeze fresh lemon juice with some salt (do not mix with sugar).
- Do not drink alcohol, beer, and tea. No smoking, no tobacco.
- After yoga, after 10 to 15 minutes to eat liquid food, after 30 minutes to eat solid food.


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