10 Yoga postures for back pain

In most people who practice yoga regularly, very few people will have back pain, but if you are not a regular yoga practitioner, you often have a habit of sitting too much, not properly posture, back pain will come and remind us that we need to pay attention to our health immediately. Fortunately for many of us, pain is only temporary, but for others it can be long and dangerous.
In severe cases, medical attention may be required, but if your pain is less severe, yoga can help by strengthening, prolonging and improving circulation in the spine and nerves. . Here are some yoga postures for back aches.

1. The cat

Begin at the location on the top of your hands and knees, replacing the middle of the dome and rounding it as you push down to the floor with your hands and toes. These postures help to massage the spine, while also stretching the body. These postures are a great way to make your back comfortable and light.

2. Sit tight

You have many choices when it comes to the twisted posture. One of the basic and effective postures is the twisted posture. Keep your legs shrinking, the distance between the legs is equal to the shoulders, keeping your back straight. Place your left hand on the floor behind you, press your right hand against your leg, push your chest open, look straight to the left.

3. Reverse V

There is an inverted V reason one of the most symbolic postures in yoga. It can rejuvenate your whole body. Take a deep breath, push your buttocks up, lower your heels and breathe evenly, relax your head and neck, pushing your hips up and down will help open your lower back.
Breathe five to seven times.

4. The plow

Breathe in, squeeze your hips, push your hips forward, lower your legs over your head, put your weight on your shoulders, point your toes toward the head and breathe in. Your arms can hold your back for support, or you can fold them together, keeping your forearms on the floor. Keep this posture as long as it is comfortable to get a strong tension on your shoulders and backbone.

5. Reaching out

Legs pressed down to the floor, stretching the spine, pouring forward, stretching the person holding the foot. Tightly squeeze, practice 10 times, if you are unfamiliar, can shrink leg and gradually down.

6. Baby

Baby posture is not only a great way to relax, it also helps to stretch your back and hips. Keep your arms forward and sit to your buttocks resting only on your heels. Hold and breathe deeply, feel the breath to the hips.

7. Eagles

This posture requires balance and strength, but it can help stretch and open your entire back. From the mountain posture, with your knees slightly raised, lift your right leg and place your right thigh on top of your left thigh. Point your right foot towards the floor, stop here and balance with your toes on the floor.
For the arm, place your right arm under the left with your curved elbow, knitting your two hands together. You will feel more tension by lifting your elbows.

8. The boat is down

Boating ups are a great way to strengthen your back and buttocks. Slowly raise your head, body, arms and legs off the floor. When you do so, your thighs should be rotated a bit and you want to feel your body stretching from head to toe. Hold for about 30 seconds to a minute.
If you have done it, relax and repeat two to three times.

9. Supply

Lie to the ground, touching the ankles and grabbing the legs. Slowly lift your chest and thighs off the floor by lifting your chest forward. This posture is a great way to strengthen back muscles, but if you have a back injury, do so lightly.

10. Triangle

Stand on two legs separated by three steps and parallel. Turn your right foot so that the right heel fits into the left leg arch. With two arms extended to one side, tilt the hips to touch the right hand on the ground, on either side of the leg. Turn your body to the side and lift your left hand upwards.
Keep an eye on your left hand (as long as it does not hurt your neck!) And keep five to seven breaths before turning to the other.
When it comes to back pain, prevention will be the key to good health, but listening to your body is also very important. Do not force yourself to do any posture that can hurt your body.


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