5 Benefits of practicing yoga at night

first . Sleep better
Yoga in the evening will put your body into a relaxed state, resting after the end of a tired working day. Yoga affects the sympathetic nervous system - responsible for the resting and digestive functions of the body. Thus, yoga will initiate the relaxation necessary to slowly bring the body to sleep faster, while reducing the condition of sleep apnea, sleep is not deep, sleep is still tired.
2 . Enhances metabolism
Physical activity boosts metabolism and burns energy. Activities like walking and yoga have significant benefits for your metabolism. If you do yoga at night before bedtime, the benefits of this boost can last for hours after workout. This is ideal for the body when sleeping for about 6-10 hours and does not work. Although, to get the full benefits, it is best to exercise at least 2-3 hours before sleep.
3. Helps to get rid of stress
Just like in the shower, we shake off the dirt from the body, doing yoga in the evening can be considered as a way of cleaning the body energy to help remove the negative emotions during the day to focus on cure. heal himself.
4. Stress and aches 
Gentle exercise with yoga before bed can reduce the stiffness or cramps that people with arthralgia or trauma often experience at the end of the day. These pains can disrupt sleep, which can be fatal to sleep.
Therefore, relaxing the muscles is the surest way so that the pain does not interfere with our precious sleep.
5. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts
We tend to think too many hours to sleep. Doing soothing yoga exercises to calm your breathing can help calm the breathing, calm the brain and improve sleep quality.
Good sleep and deep sleep will reduce the negative effects of stress on the body, boost the immune system and help the organs work better. Yoga is not just for the morning, doing yoga in the evening makes for a lighter and more refreshing day, helping to sleep deeper and help us enjoy a more fulfilling life!

Yoga is not only practiced in the morning, in fact the practice of yoga at night is a delicious way to end your day, gain deeper sleep, and ultimately, improve your life!


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