The benefits of yoga that you do not expect

Daily yoga has become a habit of many. This is good for health.
Even if you have been practicing yoga for a few sessions, months or even years, you will still get the benefits of your health. The longer you do yoga, the better you will feel.
Here are the benefits of yoga over time:
  • After several sessions:
- Improve brain function: Just 20 minutes of yoga every day you can improve cognitive function, enhance concentration and memory to work and study. In a study conducted by the University of Illinois, researchers with a 20-minute set of yoga routines performed better on brain function tests than on aerobic exercisers for 20 minutes.
- Reduce stress: Yoga can reduce the activity of proteins that cause inflammation in the body, which will help you stay healthy and control mood better. This result was announced last year by researchers from the University of California (USA).
- Gene expression change: A Norwegian study suggests that yoga can bring about the potential for altering gene expression in immune cells.
- Increased flexibility: A recent Colorado State University study found that Bikram yoga (a form of yoga with a series of postures performed for 90 minutes in a heated room) will work. Help your shoulders, lower back and hamstrings flexibly, while reducing body fat.
After a few months
- Stabilized blood pressure: Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania (USA) found that yoga people will have more stable blood pressure than those who participate in other physical activities such as walking, lifting weights.
Lung improvement: A study by Ball State University found that yoga for 15 weeks could significantly increase lung function.
- Improving sexual function: A 2009 study by Harvard University, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that yoga can increase excitement, desire, orgasm and satisfying sexuality. for women in general. Yoga can also improve a woman's sexual life by helping her become more familiar with the body's organs.
- Chronic Neck Pain: A German study published in the journal Pain shows that four weeks of Iyengar yoga practice combined with the use of props is effective in reducing the pain. Chronic neck pain in adults.
- Reduce anxiety: A 2010 University of Boston study found that yoga for 12 weeks could help alleviate anxiety as it increases gamma-aminobutyric (GABA) levels in the brain (low GABA levels in the brain are associated. with depressive disorder and anxiety disorder).
- Lower back pain: Researchers at West Virginia University (USA) have found that Iyengar Yoga is effective in reducing pain and improving mood for people with back problems, such as Chronic pain.
- Stable blood sugar levels for diabetics: Patients with diabetes if long-term yoga can help stabilize blood sugar, according to a 2011 Diabetes Care study published in Reuters.
Improving Balance: Practicing an Iyengar yoga program can help improve balance and help prevent falls in women over the age of 65, according to a 2008 study by Temple University. .
  • After a few years:
- Healthy bones: A 2009 study by Dr. Loren Fishman, published in the Huffington Post, found that yoga can improve bone density in older adults.
Keep Healthy Weight: Researchers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found a link between regular yoga and weight loss - or at least maintaining a weight. healthy weight.

- Reduce your risk of heart disease: As part of a healthy lifestyle, yoga can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, according to a study. published in the Harvard Medical School publication.


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